Young Advisors: Who Are We?
The Young Advisors meet every Monday from 5-7pm at the Civic Suite (Civic Suite, Catford, LONDON, SE6 4RU)

The Young Advisors support the Young Mayor in implementing her manifesto as well as making important decisions regarding the lives and wellbeing of young people in the borough of Lewisham.
They also form self-organised groups that meet outside of the typical Young Advisors Monday meeting to work on their own projects, an example of this is the Champions of inclusion group, that works together with special schools and mainstream schools in the borough of Lewisham to support young people with special educational needs and disabilities in the borough.

Young Advisor FaQs
Find out a bit more about Young Advisers and what it means to be a Young Advisor:
Where do Young Advisors come from?
Young advisors come from young people’s involvement initiatives such as:
youth and community projects
specialist groups
neighbourhood forums
volunteering initiatives
school or college councils
previous Young Mayor candidates
any young person who's interested to come along - it's open for EVERYONE.
What do Young Advisers do?
The Young Mayor and young advisors:
look at key decision-making reports
engage with service managers, policy-makers and elected members to hear and comment on plans and strategies for the delivery of services
identifying how the Young Mayor's annual budget is spent
Supporting other organisations and groups by attending their events
Representing young people at civic events
Creating and organising their own projects, groups and event, such as sports tournaments
How can I be a Young Advisor?
If you live, work or study in the borough of Lewisham and are between the ages of 11-17 (or up to 25 if you have special educational needs or disabilities) you can attend Young Adviser meetings.
If you are interested in politics, wish to make your voice heard, like debating or want to grow your network/community of friends from different backgrounds, Young Advisers is the place for you.
How can being a Young Adviser benefit me?
Being a Young Advisor 9is beneficial because you:
Can make your voice and the voice of young people in your community heard
Develop soft skills such as confidence, communication, public speaking, debating and more
Attend events for young people where you can make friends and network
Improve your CV and update it with all of the experience you gain (being a Young Adviser is technically a volunteer position)
Come and Visit
If you are a young person who wishes to attend a Young feel free to drop by a Young Advisors meeting, which are held every Monday between 5-7pm
If you wish to present at a Young Advisor meeting or get in touch with the Young Advisors, contact Katy Brown:
T: +44 7957 198312, E:
Contact the Young Mayor's Team:
Civic Suite
Lewisham Town Hall
+44 7957 198312