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Bank of Things - Unit 19

The Bank of Things is a service created by young people, for young people, which provides sanitary and hygiene products, school supplies and distributes donated surplus food to children and young people between the ages of 11-25, free of charge.

Wednesday and Friday, 3-5pm @Unit 19 in Lewisham Shopping Centre

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1 in 5 of the UK population live below the poverty line

4.2 million children and young people live in poverty, that’s 29%


London has the highest rate of child poverty of any English region


Lewisham is the 7th most deprived borough


We run our service from Unit 19 in Lewisham Shopping Centre and open every  Wednesday and Friday 3 to 5pm.


 During Term Time, young people will be able to drop in and pick up some of the everyday items they need to participate fully in their lives.


Items include toiletries, sanitary products and some school uniform and equipment.

Bank of Things: Gallery

Snapshots of the work we do at the Bank of Things. See more on our Instagram, @bankofthingslewisham

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